OER Titles in Classical Rhetoric

Here are a few OER titles in Classical Rhetoric. Many of these are required readings in classical rhetoric courses, as they are foundational texts in rhetoric. 

Demetrius - On Style

Longinus - On the Sublime

Plato - Gorgias

Plato - Phaedrus

Cicero - Oratory

Cicero - De Inventione

Quintillian - The Institutes of Oratory

Rhetorica Ad Herennium - Unknown (attributed to Cicero)

I think that my favorites are the Quintillian and the Rhetorica Ad Herennium. Many facets of these texts inform Edward PJ Corbett's Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student and Richard Lanham's A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms, which are exquisite and exceptional texts with regard to the study of rhetoric.  

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